Sunday, May 18, 2008

Finally I can go into the wind

We went to our friends house last night to enjoy Marco's Pizza, haircuts, and a great game of kickball.

But most important to me was that I finally got my hair product. American Crew Fiber. It holds up to the wind.

All of you loyal, devoted readers of this spellbinding blog will know that I have been using my backup product (a quick buy at CVS) for the past couple of weeks and it is just not the same.

Bring on the wind.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

No Pressure At All

Well after recovering from the breakdown that I had over not putting anything here, I am now putting going to post out of the blue.

I love my neighborhood. We have the greatest neighbors in the world. I do extend my neighborhood out a few streets to include a couple of families (Richards - You Are IN!). We can all hang out and have a great time around the newly portable fireplace (see picture) and enjoy good times. The fireplace is totally legal according to the EGR Police Officer that rolled up on the party about 11:30 on Saturday evening. Luckily he was not looking for us, and even if he was we were not in front of my house, so for that night I would have played the part of one J. Doublestein.

I am looking forward to a summer full of just hanging out in each others yards doing a whole bunch of nothing.