Monday, October 29, 2007

Chuckin' and Duckin'

This weekend I had the chance to go fishing. I won the trip on the radio (WLAV). The trip was supplied to the radio station by Doug Kool of Kool Toytota. I was fortunate to be able to go with a West Michigan Radio Legend, Tony Gates.

The day was cold and rainy. Perfect for fishing for Steelhead in Michigan. We were on the river by 7:30 AM and we fished until breaking for lunch at 11:30. The lunch was no ordinary lunch. Our guide, Dave Barkman of Schmidt Outfitters made us grilled tuna steaks and grilled shrimp.

After lunch we finally had some action in the water. We hooked up on 5 fish, and were able to land one. The one that we landed was my first Steelhead on a fly rod. We were using great Sage equipment. It made me want one of my own (maybe next year). The fishing slowed down once a cold front went through and the temperature dropped 10 degrees and the rain picked up again.

Above is a picture of me with the fish that we were able to land. It was a team effort. Tony hooked it, I landed it, and Dave rowed like crazy to get us there.

All in all a great day of fishing. Now I cant wait to get back out there. Maybe with a neighbor who can go fishing when ever he feels like it. You know the one that I am talking about.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Why Do They Call Them Wisdom Teeth?

I am curious why they don't call those teeth "they are going to hurt like hell when you get them out" teeth.

My lovely wife is in pain right now from getting all of her "wisdom" teeth out on Friday. She is in so much pain. We have called the doctor to see if we need to go in (and consulted with out Dentist friend - Thanks Jason) and they told us that today would be the worst day for pain. I sure hope that they are right because she is in a lot of pain.

I would also like to say hello to the only person that reads this blog. Are you happy now that I have added a post? If you are reading this and you are not either me, or the one other person who reads this (and you know who you are) - Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

No Place Like Home.

So I am back. It has been a while since I have added anything to my blog. Before that was not a problem, but now I have a friend (not plural yet - i am still working on that) that links to my blog. That means that there may be others actually reading this. To this point is has just been me, stopping by to see how cool it is that I have a blog.

This whole blog thing is pressure. I don't know what to write about. I could go into the boring details of the job that i do selling software, or i could detail the weather, or the state of the nation. But none of those really seem to be very interesting. So i will default to family.

My son has a birthday coming up that will make him 8 years old. I am so excited about how he is growing up. He is excited about school and sports, a trend that I encourage him to keep for years. My daughter is also in Kindergarten (going into her Senior Year of High School). She had me help her pick out her clothes last night before bed.

It is these types of memories that i want to hold on to. Family is so important. I hope that if anyone reads this, that they will be reminded of that. All families have their crazy aunt, or lose patience when your child waits to the last minute to do his homework, but there is still nothing that can compare to family.

I have to go sell software. (and maybe get home early to watch Oprah).